Bollywood badshah Shah Rukh Khan is currently working for a pan-India project with blockbuster Tamil director Atlee, which is tentatively titled Lion. The big budget drama went on floors in September in Pune. The big-budget film also features Nayanthara, Priyamani, Yogi Babu, Sanya Malhotra and Sunil Grover in pivotal roles. Now the reports are coming that lady Superstar Nayanthara has walked out from Lion and the makers are planning to bring Samantha Ruth Prabhu in Shah Rukh Khan starrer.
Apparently, Darbar actress Nayanthara had allotted her October dates for Lion but Shah Rukh Khan is not able to join the shoot since his son Aryan Khan is in jail due to the drugs case. Yesterday Bombay High court granted Aryan Khan bail.
The reports are coming that now Nayanthara is unable to adjust her call sheet, so director Atlee has approached Samantha Ruth Prabhu to play the female lead in the pan India project.
The makers of Lion have successfully completed a schedule in Pune and they are going to start the next schedule soon. After reports of Nayanthara quitting Shah Rukh Khan starrer lion surfaced, a news report stated that the film is going ahead with the actor, and rumors of her being replaced by Samantha are false.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood