Naga Chaitanya, the son of King Nagarjuna is making his debut in Hindi film Industry with an upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha which has Aamir Khan in the lead role. Laal Singh Chaddha is a remake of Hollywood Classic Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks, Mykelti Williamson, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise and Sally Field. It is helmed by Advait Chandan and the film also stars Kareena Kapoor in a lead role. Now, the latest buzz is that Naga Chaitanya will be seen in the role of a soldier named Balaraju in Aamir Khan starrer Laal Singh Chaddha.
Apparently, Naga Chaitanya’ character dies in a war, and Aamir Khan’ character later visits his parents near Kakinada. The makers have already wrapped up these scenes in the month of September.
The big budget project Laal Singh Chaddha is produced by Viacom18 Studios and Aamir Khan Productions. The movie is written by Atul Kulkarni.
Meanwhile, Naga Chaitanya was last seen playing the lead role in Love Story. Helmed by director Sekhar Kammula, and had Fidaa and Middle Class Abbayi fame Sai Pallavi as the female lead. On the otherside, Naga Chaitanya has also wrapped up shooting for Vikram K Kumar directorial venture Thank You which has Raashi Khanna in the female lead role.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood