The top filmmaker SS Rajamouli has started the promotions of his upcoming film RRR- Rise Roar Revolt and the movie is bringing two top stars Ram Charan and Jr NTR together on the screen. Recently there was a strong buzz in the film industry that team is planning to visit several cities –right from Mumbai to New Delhi. And now according to the latest report, RRR movie big event will take place today in Mumbai. Rajamouli and team RRR will attend the event. The makers are also planning to unveil the RRR movie glimpse teaser.
The industry tracker Sreedhar Pillai wrote on the wall of Twitter: #RRRMovie big event in #Mumbai today. @ssrajamouli and team to unveil #RRRMovie glimpse teaser and a few exciting collaborations brewing! Jan 7, 2022 worldwide theatrical release.
Ramaraju for Bheem and Beem for Ramaraju videos garnered a fair deal of attention due to their cinematic brilliance. The first single Dosti hit the right notes with its grand musical arrangement.
RRR, which is bankrolled by DVV Danayya, is touted to be a period drama and revolves around the fictional friendship between two real freedom fighters–Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju. RRR will arrive at the theaters on 7th January 2022.
#RRRMovie big event in #Mumbai today. @ssrajamouli and team to unveil #RRRMovie glimpse teaser and a few exciting collaborations brewing!
Jan 7, 2022 worldwide theatrical release.— Sreedhar Pillai (@sri50) October 29, 2021
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