Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is currently working with the talented film makers Ramesh Varma of Rakshasudu fame for an upcoming action and romantic film which is titled Khiladi. The reports are coming that Mass Maharaja will be seen playing the dual role in this drama which has Meenakshi Chaudhary and Dimple Hayathi in the female lead roles. The first single from Ravi Teja starrer was released on 10th September. Now according to the latest update, Khiladi’ second single will be out on 4th November. The makers confirmed it by sharing a new poster on their official Twitter handle.
Khiladi is being bankrolled by Satyanarayana Koneru whereas it has the music by sensational music director Devi Sri Prasad. Ramesh Varma, is taking extreme care in making his directorial venture with the high standard technical values.
Sujit Vaasudev is taking care of the cinematography and duo Ram-Laxman are choreographing the stunts for the action drama Khiladi . Sagar, Srikanth and Vissa penned the dialogues for Ravi Teja starrer and Amar Reddy is the editor of Khiladi.
On the other side, Ravi Teja is currently working for action drama Ramarao on Duty. The actor was last seen playing the lead role in Krack which was a blockbuster at the box office and he is pinning a lot of hopes on Khiladi.
Unveiling #Khiladi Second Single on Nov 4th
RockStar @ThisIsDSP Musical@RaviTeja_offl @DimpleHayathi @Meenakshiioffl @DirRameshVarma @akarjunofficial @idhavish #KoneruSatyanarayana #AStudiosLLP @PenMovies @adityamusic
— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) October 29, 2021
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