After delivering blockbuster cop based drama Krack which had Shruti Haasan as the leading lady, now Ravi Teja is coming up with an upcoming film Khiladi in which he is playing the dual role. On the eve of Vinayaka Chavithi, the makers of Khiladi released the lyrical video of Istam song that received decent response by the music lovers and now according to the latest report, Ishtam lyrical song of Khiladi has crossed 9 million views on Youtube. The makers confirmed the same by sharing a new poster on Twitter and also revealed that tomorrow they will share an interesting update about Khiladi.
The film Khiladi , which is touted to be an action and romantic drama, is being helmed by Ramesh Varma.
The song ishtam features Ravi Teja and Dimple Hayathi, and it is sung by Hari Priya and the music is composed by Devi Sri Prasad. The lyrics of the song Ishtam are penned by Shreemani and is choreographed by Yash master.
The film has the cinematography by Sujit Vaasudev and GK Vishnu and it is produced by Bollywood production house Pen Studios in association with A Studios.
On the otherside, Bengal Tiger fame Ravi Teja is also working for upcoming Telugu film RamaRao on Duty.
#IstamLyricalSong receiving huge love and crossed 9 Million views.
BIG update coming your way
Tomorrow @ 10:08 AM ⏳
Stay tuned 💫 @RaviTeja_offl @ThisIsDSP @DimpleHayathi @Meenakshiioffl @idhavish #KoneruSatyanarayana #AStudiosLLP @sagar_singer— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) October 28, 2021
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