SOT police have raided the farm house of Telugu actor Naga Shaurya on Sunday. According to the latest report, Naga Shaurya’ farmhouse was rented by the organizer for a birthday celebration for a person named Suman. It has been revealed that the main organizer encouraged around 25 people to participate in the gambling- card game. After getting the information, the police raided the property and recovered around Rs 6.7 lakhs, 33 mobile phones, 3 cars, and 2 casino boxes. The reports are coming that the primary coordinator of the event has yet to be found.
The police arrested Suman Chowdhary for gambling with 25 others at Naga Shaurya’s farmhouse. Suman Chowdary is very close to Telugu actor Naga Shaurya, and he is said to be an organizer for gambling at the farmhouse.
Aswathama fame actor Naga Shaurya’ farmhouse is located in Hyderabad outskirts at Manchirevula, Outer Ring Road. When the police conducted raids and found that the farmhouse belonged to Naga Shaurya. The police are now probing whether the Telugu actor is also directly involved in gambling activities.
On the work front, Naga Shaurya was last seen playing the lead role in Varudu Kavalenu which was released last Friday and is doing decent collections at the box office.
from NEWS – Tollywood