Kannada actor Puneeth Rajmukar, aged 46, passed away yesterday afternoon. The actor was admitted to a private hospital after suffering a major cardiac arrest. His sudden demise has left the entire country in utter shock. TThe celebrities have joined the world in mourning the demise of the actor and TV personality. Young Tiger Jr NTR took to his Twitter handle to share his grief over Puneeth’s demise, “Heartbroken! Can’t believe you have gone so soon.”
Anushka Shetty also wrote on Twitter: Deeeeply saddened and shocked to hear about the passing away of our Puneeth Rajkumar, a very very warm , humble person, Prayers and strength to the family and everyone of us who immensely love him, You will always stay in our hearts, always forever Rest in peace.
Puneeth Rajkumar’ funeral will be held today in Bangalore with full state honors. Now according to the latest report, Jr NTR is going to Bangalore and he will reach there by 2 PM for the funeral of Puneeth Rajkuma. Tarak was very close to Puneeth Rajkumar and has also sung one song for the Kannada star.
Mammootty, Dhanush, Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, Varun Sandesh, Tamannah Bhatia and others have also shared their heartfelt condolences for the actor on social media.
NTR Jr @tarak9999 will be in Bangalore today to pay his respects to Puneeth Rajkumar.
— Vamsi Kaka (@vamsikaka) October 30, 2021
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