Stylish Star Allu Arjun was the chief guest of the pre release event of the romantic drama Varudu Kavalenu starring Naga Shaurya and Ritu Varma. On this occasion, Allu Arjun took the mike and showered praises on Naga Shaurya and Ritu Varma.
Naa Peru Surya star Allu Arjun said that he loves the innocence of Naga Shaurya and the way he is working in the Telugu film industry without any filmy background is appreciable. He has made a place for himself in Tollywood. About Ritu Varma, Allu Arjun said, “ I have a soft corner for the Telugu actresses. I have been observing her rise in the Telugu film Industry since her debut film.” About the movie Bunny said, “I have listened to the songs and I have a positive feeling about the film. I hope Varudu Kavalenu clicks well at the box office.”
Allu Arjun added that female technicians should enter Tollywood, just like Lakshmi Sowjanya the director of Varudu Kavalenu. He also showered praises on the producers Naga Vamsi and Chinnababu for their filmmaking. He concluded his speech by wishing all the big budget movies from across the country a grand success in the coming days.
Varudu Kavalenu is slated to hit the theaters on 29th October.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood