We have already reported that Bollywood actor Sunny Singh, will be seen playing the role of Laxman in Adipurush which has Young Rebel star Prabhas in the lead role. Prabhas will be essaying the character of Lord Rama in Adipurush which is a cinematic adaptation of the Indian epic. Earlier during an interview, Sunny Singh had said he and co-star Prabhas are busy bulking up because they have to look muscular. The sources say that Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety fame Sunny Singh follows a strict diet plan for his role, in which he has to look bulked up and muscular.
According to the latest report, currently the makers of Adipurush are canning a massive battle sequence. Prabhas is participating in this schedule in Mumbai. Now a pic of Prabhas, Om Raut and Sunny Singh from the sets of Adipurush are going viral on the social media.
Adipurush marks Sunny Singh first pan-India film, and his first mythological role. The young actor was last seen in the 2020 film Jai Mummy Di.
Adipurush is a big budget film which is helmed by Om Raut and is produced by T-Series Films and Retrophiles. Kriti Sanon will be seen as Sita, and Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh.
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