Jana Sena chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan expressed his severe displeasure over the series of events connecting with the Tollywood starting from the impasse that’s continuing with AP government over ticket fares and screening of shows to the recent accident involving the actor Sai Dharam Tej. Gabbar Singh star spoke while he was addressing the pre-release event of Deva Katta’ political thriller Republic on Saturday evening. Pawan Kalyan also commented on Young Tiger Jr NTR dancing skills.
Vakeel Saab fame actor Pawan Kalyan said, ” The film stars are not getting any money easily in compare of politicians. The actors are only getting it by working hard day and night. If Young Tiger Jr NTR movies do great collections, it is because of his great talent and hard work in performing such unique dance moves, and who is this govt to control the private investments in the film industry when we are already taxpayers?”
Pawan Kalyan took a dig at YSRCP government, describing how the latter had been playing at its whims and fancies by procrastinating talks with delegation of the film industry.”
On the work front, Pawan Kalyan who was last seen in Vakeel Saab, is currently working with Krish for the movie Hari Hara Veera Mallu.”
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3CQeZTW