Sai Dharam Tej starrer Republic is gearing up for a grand release soon. The makers organized the pre-release event of the film on Saturday evening, which was attended by many including Jana Sena Chief and Power Star Pawan Kalyan. Earlier this month, Sai Dharam Tej met with an accident and the supreme hero is currently under medical observation. His fans were eagerly waiting to get an update on Sai’ health. During the pre release event, Pawan Kalyan went all guns blazing on AP government at the pre-release event of Republic.
Pawan Kalyan condemned some media houses report who projected Sai Dharam Tej’s accident as the actor’s fault. Pawan Kalyan had urged the Andhra Pradesh government and Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy to solve issues pertaining to the film industry. Natural star Nani offered support to Pawan Kalyan’ statement.
Middle Class Abbayi fame actor replied, “Keeping aside the political differences between Jana Sena President Pawan Kalyan sir and Andhra Pradesh Government. The film industry issues addressed are genuine and need immediate attention.” By saying this Nani thanked Pawan Kalyan.
RX 100 fame Kartikeya also came in the support of Pawan Kalyan and said: Not supporting or being against any political party but the issues addressed by Pawan Kalyan sir with respect to Tollywood totally makes sense and being part of the industry I feel it’s my responsibility to support Pawan sir on this who spoke on behalf of all of us .”
from NEWS – Tollywood