Maha Samudram is an upcoming bilingual film which is being made in Telugu and Tamil. The action and romantic drama is bringing the two talented actors- Sharwanand and Siddharth together on the screen. After his cameo in the movie Baadshah, this will be Siddharth’ comeback to Telugu cinema. RX 10 fame Ajay Bhupathi is the helmer of this much hyped movie. Few days ago the makers unveiled the trailer of Maha Samudram that grabbed the attention of many and generated good buzz among the movie lovers. Now according to the latest report, Netflix has bagged the post theatrical digital streaming rights of Sharwanand and Siddharth starrer Maha Samudram for a whopping price.
Ajay Bhupathi’ directorial venture Maha Samudram will be made available for streaming on Netflix weeks after its theatrical release.
The action drama has V fame Aditi Rao Hydari and Anu Emmanuel in the female lead whereas versatile actor Jagapathi Babu, KGF Ramachandra Raju and Rao Ramesh in the crucial roles.
Maha Samduram is backed by Anil Sunkara under the banner of AK Entertainments whereas the film has the music by Chaitan Bharadwaj. Raj Thota is the cinematographer whereas Praveen is the editor of the film. Ajay Bhupathi’ Maha Samudram is all set to hit the screens on 14th October this year.
from NEWS – Tollywood