The actor and politician Posani Krishna Murali’ abusive attack on Jana Sena Chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan and family is drawing severe flak from all corners. The language that Posani used against Pawan Kalyan has become the h*t topic of discussion in the film circles. Pawan Kalyan’ fans were caught on camera, barging into the press club premises, sloganeering and hurling abuses the actor Posani Krishna Murali.
The fans of Pawan Kalyan reached the Hyderabad Press Club where Posani Krishna Murali was addressing a news conference. At a press conference, Posani criticized Pawan Kalyan for his speech for criticizing Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Jagan during Sai Dharam Tej’ Republic’ pre-release event. Posani’ comments irk the fans of Pawan Kalyan. The fans raised slogans against him. The protesters, including workers of Pawan’s Jana Sena party, tried to barge into the hall where YSRCP supporter and actor Posani Murali Krishna was, but police foiled their bid by taking them into custody. The police also escorted Posani Murali Krishna safely to his house in a police vehicle.
Jana Sena activists and Pawan Kalyan fans filed a complaint against Posani Krishna Murali with Hyderabad police.
It is known that Posani has played supporting roles in several Pawan Kalyan starrer movies.
from NEWS – Tollywood