Today morning the makers of Adipurush starring Young Rebel star Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and Saif Ali Khan announced that the movie will be released on 11th August 2022. In this manner, Prabhas film Adipurush which is being helmed by Om Raut, will clash with Akshay Kumar starrer movie Raksha Bandhan which is set for Independence day weekend release, next year on 11th August.
Adipurush is a big budget Pan Indian project which will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and Kannada. Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan also features four new faces, including, Sadia Khateeb, Sahejmeen Kaur, Deepika Khanna and Smrithi Srikanth, who are playing Akshay Kumar’s sisters. The film Raksha Bandhan is penned by writer couple Kanika Dhillon and Himanshu Sharma.
Akshay Kumar film Raksha Bandhan is presented and distributed by Zee Studios in association with Alka Hiranandani and Aanand L Rai and it revolves around the brother-sister bond.
On the otherside, Prabhas is playing Lord Rama in Adipurush, Sai Ali Khan will be seen in the role of Lankesh, Ravana, Kriti Sanon as Sita, Sunny Singh as Laxman. Prabhas’ four of upcoming movies will see a multi language release. These are Radhe Shyam, Adipurush, Salaar and Project K from director Nag Ashwin.
THE BIGGG CLASH… PRABHAS VERSUS AKSHAY KUMAR… #RakshaBandhan [#AkshayKumar] versus #Adipurush [#Prabhas] #IndependenceDay weekend 2022
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 27, 2021
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