After Sarayu and Uma Devi, Lahari Shari became the third contestant who was eliminated from the reality show Bigg Boss 5 Telugu. Lahari Shari’ exit from Nagarjuna hosted show Bigg Boss 5 Telugu gave a huge shock to everyone. Now, netizens are opining that it is high time that a male contestant is eliminated from the Bigg Boss Telugu house just to balance out the female and male participants.
King Nagarjuna hosted show Bigg Boss 5 Telugu is going on strong. After the nominations, debate started in social media about whether male contestants will be eliminated this week. In the first 3 weeks, 3 female contestants left the house. Sarayu left the house first week, Uma in the second week whereas Arjun Reddy actress Lahari in the third week.
This week, total eight contestants- Nataraj, Lobo, Ravi, Priya, Kajal, siri, Sunny and Annie were in the final nomination list. The contestant Sunny and Nataraj are in the danger zone this weekend. The chances are that one of them – either Sunny or Nataraj might be eliminated from the Bigg Boss house in this week.
We need to wait and see whether this time Bigg Boss will eliminate male contestant this week or not.
from NEWS – Tollywood