Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Akkineni Naga Chaitanya‘ divorce rumor has become the h*t topic of discussion on the social media. Few days ago, Samantha shared a video of her cycling session with friends. In one of her captions, Rangasthalam lady wrote, “Unbreakable.” The actress post comes at a time when she is under scrutiny for her personal life. In the meantime, Venu Swamy, an astrologer talked about Samantha and said if she and Naga Chaitanya indeed get divorced then the actress’ career in the film industry will take a downslide whereas Naga Chaitanya’ career will take off.
It is known that Samantha’ career is taking off with the success of the web drama The Famil Man 2 and currently she is working for a woman centric film Shaakuntalam which is directed by Gunasekhar. She is also getting the offers from top Bollywood film makers.
The astrologer also hinted that Samantha Ruth Prabhu could shift to Mumbai. The astrologer’s comments are going viral on social media.
We have already reported that Samantha was also not present at a recent dinner hosted by Akkineni family members Aamir Khan.
Recently during an interview, Naga Chaitanya spoke about how intensely his personal life is covered the news and added that he used to find it painful.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood