Aishwarya Rajesh is one of the popular actresses of South Indian film Industry and she is waiting for the release of upcoming film Republic which has Sai Dharam Tej in the lead role. The movies teaser and trailer have already generated good buzz among the movie lovers and the political drama is carrying decent buzz. Recently the makers organized the pre release event and Power Star Pawan Kalyan attended the event as Chief guest. His speech was one of the major highlights of the film. During the media interaction, as a part of the promotional activities, Aishwarya Rajesh revealed that she loves Samantha’ acting.
When Aishwarya Rajesh was asked about her role model, to which she says that Samantha is her idol and loves her acting.
Sai Dharam Tej and Aishwarya Rajesh starrer Republic is directed by Deva Katta, and produced by JB Entertainments and Zee Studios. The film also has Jagapathi Babu and Ramya Krishna in the lead role. The film Republic is scheduled to release on 1st October 2021
The actress was last seen in Tuck Jagadish starring Natural Star Nani where her performance was appreciated. Currently she has number of the projects in her kitty- Mohandas, Driver Jamuna and Dhruva Natchathiram, which are in the different production stages.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood