The controversial reality show Bigg Boss is one of the top rated shows in Telugu TV space. Young Tiger Jr NTR hosted the first season and Natural Star Nani hosted the second season. For the third and fourth season, the organizers of reality show brought King Nagarjuna to host the Bigg Boss. Earlier there was a strong buzz in the entertainment industry that once again, Nagarjuna Akkineni will host the fifth season but now the reports are coming that Baahubali and Nene Raju Nene Mantri fame actor Rana Daggubati will host the Bigg Boss 5 Telugu.
The sources in the industry reveal to us that the organizers are planning to start the reality show in July. The organizers are already talking to the people who are interested to take part in the show. The conversations are being carried out on Zoom calls.
It is being heard that as Nagarjuna is busy in his ongoing projects, he will not be able to allot the dates for the shoot, so the organizers are planning to approach Rana Daggubati to host the show Bigg Boss 5 Telugu. The official confirmation regarding the host is awaited.
On the otherside, Rana Daggubati was recently seen in Aha’s show, No. 1 Yaari with Rana which was hit.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood