In the month of May, the director Prasanth Varma made official announcement regarding his upcoming project titled Hanu-Man. Now according to the latest report, the film Hanu-Man is launched today morning in Hyderabad with a formal pooja ceremony. Gemini Kiran switched on the camera.
Hanu-Man is Prasanth Varma’ fourth film, which is tipped to be the first Telugu superhero film. The Zombie Reddy director unveiled the title logo with an intriguing motion poster recently on the occasion of his birthday. The teaser featured the shots of a snow clad mountainous region as it morphs into the poster. The poster also showed the movie’s logo that has Hanu and Man with a graphic of the sun separating them. A man stood between the two mountain peaks.
Prasanth Varma made a debut as a filmmaker with Awe! Starring Kajal Aggarwal, Regina Cassandra and Nithya Menen and followed it up with films like Kalki and Zombie Reddy. Now, the director is going to introduce a new genre to the Telugu speaking audience with his fourth film, Hanu-Man. Teja Sajja has been roped in Hanu-Man to play the lead role.
Prasanth Varma’ previous offering was a zombie comedy titled Zombie Reddy, starring Teja Sajja, which released earlier this year, and was a hit.
. @PrasanthVarma’s #HanuMan,The First Original Superhero Film in Telugu,has launched with a formal Pooja Ceremony
Switchon GeminiKiran
First Shot Dir ShivaShaktiDattaing @tejasajja123
@Niran_Reddy @chaitanyaniran @asrinreddy @Primeshowtweets #HanuManTheOrigin— BARaju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) June 25, 2021
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