The ex-Bigg Boss contestant, actor and critic Kathi Mahesh met with a road accident on Friday, he suffered injuries and was rushed to a hospital in Nellore for treatment. Kathi Mahesh’ car collided with a lorry and it was heavily damaged. He suffered minor injuries as the airbags in the car opened. His condition is critical. Now Poonam Kaur made indirect comments on the accident of Kathi Mahesh by sharing a post on Twitter, as the actress said, “Karma devo Bhava!! Tune Na Ram aur sita ko choda apne faidy k liye ,na us ladki ko jo bhramin ka dincharya salon tak karti thi ,mein chahti hon ki Tu zinda rahe taki Tu asli zindagi dek sake, aurton ki aur apni khud ki maa ki bhi izzat karna seekhe!”
It is known news that in 2018, Poonam Kaur had called Kathi Mahesh a beggar and unemployed person, who was criticizing people for a livelihood. She had also body-shamed him, asking people to donate money to help him shed some weight.
Later Kathi Mahesh held a press meet and invited Poonam Kaur and Pawan Kalyan for an open debate. But they did not come, and he asked the actress some controversial questions, which came as a rude shock to people in the film industry.
from NEWS – Tollywood