In the first week of June month, Kajal Aggarwal who predominantly works in Tamil and Telugu movies, took to Twitter and made an official announcement regarding her upcoming project which is titled Uma. It is a female centric movie, in which Kajal will be playing the titular role under the direction of Tathagatha Singha. Touted to be a slice-of-life film, the upcoming drama Uma is jointly backed by Avishek Ghosh and Mantaraj Paliwal from Miraj Group. Uma is expected to go on the floor by the end of this year or early next year. Recently during the media interaction, Kajal Aggarwal spoke about Uma.
Magadheera and Nene Raju Nene Mantri fame Kajal Aggarwal revealed that Uma will be a Mary Poppins kind of a film where fantasy meets the reality. The movie revolves around Kajal’ character and she helps the people to deal with their problems through the folktales.
According to Kajal Aggarwal, she regularly meets her director on Zoom calls to understand the character better.
On the otherside Kajal Aggarwal was last seen in Mosagallu, which was released on 19th March this year. Although the film was shot in Telugu, the dubbed versions of the movie which also had Manchu Vishnu in the lead role, were released in Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi.
from NEWS – Tollywood