Samantha Akkineni made her debut in OTT world with the web show The family man 2 in which Manoj Bajpayee and National award winning actress Priyamani played the lead role. This was the first time when Samantha was seen in the negative role. Recently the actor Shahad Ali spoke about playing Sajid, the main villain in web drama The Family Man season 2, working with Manoj Bajpayee and Samantha Akkineni, and what makes a Raj and DK project different.
According to Shahad Ali, his life has changed completely after playing the role of Sajid in The Family Man. The actor said, “I was a little scared how people would accept this negative character. Now I am getting messages that they might have disliked Sajid, but they loved me.”
Shahad Ali has confirmed. The Family Man 2 apparently had a few intimate and ‘suggestive’ scenes between Samantha Akkineni’s character of Rajji and Sajid. However, the intimate scenes were deleted in the final stage.
Samantha and Shahad played the roles of extremists, looking for opportunities to carry out the suicide attacks in India. While Rangasthalam girlessayed a Sri Lankan Tamilian, Rajji, and he played the role of a man from Kashmir in The Family Man 2.
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