Three fans Sandhya Jayraj, Ravi and Veeresh from Gadwal district, reached Hyderabad on bare foot to meet Mega Power Star Ram Charan. They walked over 231 kilometers to meet the Magadheera and Rangasthalam actor. The photographs of Charan interacting with the three fans are trending on social media.
In one of the photographs, Ram Charan is seen welcoming them with a warm hug and also have a long conversation with them for hours. This gesture of Chiranjeevi’ son is being appreciated by everyone.
The fans Sandhya Jayaraj, Ravi, and Veeresh had walked over 4 days from Jogulamba Gadwal district in Telangana to meet their favorite star in Hyderabad. They started their journey on 20th June and after four days, they reached Hyderabad on 24th June. They received a warm reception and after learning about them, Charan personally invited them to his residence. The trio had met Charan at his home in Jubilee Hills and they were received by the actor with a warm hug.
Ram Charan who made his debut in Tollywood with Chirutha in 2007, is currently busy in his upcoming film RRR and Acharya. He is playing a special role as Siddha in Megastar Chiranjeevi and Kajal Aggarwal starrer Acharya, which is directed by Koratala Siva.
A sweet gesture! Actor @alwaysramcharan met his ardent fans Sandhya Jayraj, Ravi & Veeresh who walked all the way from Jogulamba Gadwal to Hyd, nearly 231 kms for 4 days, to meet their beloved star. A hug and a conversation with your favourite star is quite a pleasure#RamCharan
— Pranita Jonnalagedda (@PranitaRavi) June 25, 2021
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