Anand Deverakonda is currently waiting for the release of his upcoming family drama Pushpaka Vimanam. Recently during the media interaction, the young actor talked about this film, in which he is playing the role of a math teacher. He also opened up about life during the pandemic and the influence of OTT on his career.
When Anand Deverakonda was asked about his character in Pushpaka Vimanam, to which he replied that he is playing the role of an innocent guy who is a math teacher and he will be seen wearing a tucked shirt and trousers and glasses. But his life will change because of an arranged marriage.
Directed by Damodar, this film has Saanve Megghana and Geeta Saayini in the female leads.
The Dorasani actor added that the Coronavirus pandemic has been tough for all of us. Many of his uncles and aunts on his mother’s side had got the virus. Many of his friends were affected too. But now they have all recovered and everyone is safe. But it has been a stressful time for all of them.
Anand Deverakonda, the brother of Vijay Deverakonda added that OTT has opened up many new avenues and opportunities for him. He is not only going to do OTT-driven cinema, he is also going to do theatrical movies.
from NEWS – Tollywood