SS Rajamouli’ RRR, which has Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead role, will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Telugu versions. RRR is a big budget drama which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya and it is known news that the movie has already made Rs 350 crore by selling theatrical, satellite TV and digital streaming rights across all languages to Pen Studios. The film also has Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn in the crucial role.
Earlier it was heard that Ajay Devgan will be seen as a freedom fighter was the talk and now the reports are coming that Ajay Devgn will be seen as Jr NTR’ father in the film.
Now we have to wait and see how SS Rajamouli will showcase it. Currently the shoot of RRR is going on at the brisk pace. Ram Charan and Jr NTR have already joined the sets and started the shoot of his parts.
On the occasion of Ajay Devgn’ birthday, the makers of RRR unveiled his first look in the form of a motion poster that started with a visual of dusty ground and Ajay Devgn was seen chanting “Load, aim, shoot.” He was surrounded with a group of men holding guns in their hands, aiming at him.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood