The National award winning actress Kangana Ranaut is praising Samantha Akkineni’ in the first trailer of the web drama The Family Man 2. Yesterday morning the makers of The Family man 2 launched the trailer that went viral. The upcoming web drama marks the debut of Samantha in the digital world and this is the first time she is playing a terrorist.
Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram Stories on Thursday, and shared a screenshot from the trailer of The family Man 2 and came up with an interesting caption, “This girl has my heart.” In the screenshot, Samantha Akkineni’ character is seen in a scene of the web series as the subtitle reads, “I will kill them.” Samantha thanked Manikarnika fame Kangana Ranaut.
Earlier in the month of April, Rangoon actress Samantha Akkineni an ‘epitome of woman empowerment’.
In March, Majili and Rangasthalam fame actress too had lauded Kangana, calling her the ‘bravest actor of our generation’, after the trailer release of upcoming multilingual drama Thalaivi.
The Family Man 2 is a spy series on Amazon Prime Video which will release on 4th June. In the series, Manoj Bajpayee is playing the role of Srikant Tiwari, and Samantha’ character’ name is Raaji, who is Sri Lankan Tamilian.
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