SS Rajamouli’ upcoming directorial venture RRR is one of the most awaited movie of Indian film Industry, which is slated to hit the theaters on 13th October 2021 in multiple languages. Though the makers of RRR stick to the release the movie on 13th October but the reports are coming that the movie release will be postponed due to the second wave of coronavirus.
If it happens, the movie RRR starring Ram Charan and Jr NTR might release on the occasion of Sankranthi 2022 and in this manner Rajamouli’ RRR will compete with Power Star Pawan Kalyan starrer Hari Hara Veeramallu, which is being directed by Krish of Gauthamiputra Satakarni fame.
The actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan who has recovered from coronavirus, is now ready shooting for his ongoing film Hari Hara Veeramallu which has Nidhhi Agerwal as the leading lady. The film Hari Hara Veeramallu is jointly bankrolled by Krish and Am Ratnam.
Recently during the media interaction, AM Ratnam said that Pawan Kalyan was perfectly fine and is all set to start the shoot. Pawan has asked him to take utmost care on the sets as he does not want anyone to get affected this time as the situation is serious.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood