Priyamani and Venkatesh are currently working together for an upcoming action and thriller drama Narappa, which is a remake of Tamil blockbuster drama Asuran in which Dhanush played the lead role. Recently the National award winning actress attended an interview and spoke about his upcoming projects. Priyamani went all praises for Venkatesh Daggubati and said, “ He is a passionate and dedicated actor.” The actress also confirmed that few changes are made to the script of Narappa to suit the sensibilities of Telugu movie lovers.
She also revealed that she was supposed to act with Venkatesh Daggubati thrice in the past but that didn’t happen due to various reasons.
Priyamani will also be seen playing a crucial role in Rana Daggubati and Sai Pallavi starrer Virata Parvam where she will be seen in the role of a naxalite. About her role, she revealed that her character’s name as Bharatakka in Virata parvam, who is a close-aide of lead actor Rana Daggubati. Apparently, Bharatakka (Priyamani) is a strong headed woman.
She has wrapped up the shoot of both the movies Narappa and Virata Parvam. Very soon the official announcement regarding the release date of both the movies will take place.
Priyamani will also be seen in Manoj Bajpayee and Samantha starrer Web drama The Family Man 2.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood