Rana Daggubati’ younger brother Abhiram Daggubati has been in plans to make his debut as an actor in Telugu film industry. Director Teja has taken the responsibility to introduce Suresh Babu’ son Abhiram Daggubati as a lead actor and the project got locked recently. Earlier there was a strong buzz in the film industry that upcoming drama is a romantic entertainer but now the reports are coming that Teja is going to showcase the action avatar of Abhiram Daagubati in this upcoming untitled drama.
The team is waiting for the Coronavirus pandemic to slow down so that the shoot will start. The sources close to Teja’ camp revealed that the film of Abhiram Daggubati is going to be a rebellious love story and it will showcase the actor in an action avatar along with the lover boy’ role.
Teja is planning to rope a noted young hero to play the main villain in this film which will be bankrolled by Suresh Productions.
The director Teja penned the complete script and Suresh Babu is taking personal care of the script and he is said to have given his approval for the script recently.
In 2020, Abhiram Daggubati had said “My grandfather’s dream was to see me as a hero.”
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3oF1fWs