Young actor Vishwak Sen who is known for acting in Falaknuma Das and HIT, will be seen next in a film titled, Paagal, which is helmed by Naressh Kuppili. The upcoming film Paagal will see Vishwak Sen in a and fun role. The 25 years old actor Vishwak is all set to enthral the Telugu audience with his upcoming film ‘Paagal’. Recently during the media interaction, Vishwak Sen revealed that the theatrical trailer of Paagal will be available only in theatres. The movie lover would not get the chance to watch the trailer on YouTube.
Hit actor Vishwak Sen said, “Earlier, we used to watch the trailers in theatres only. That’s why it’s called theatrical trailer. We are also planning 16 days of tour across all the districts in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. I will be distributing 1600 film T shirts and also 1600 roses to random people.”
Vishwak Sen starrer Paagal is helmed by debutant Naresh Kuppili, and the recently released teaser of the film showcased the actor as an aggressive youngster and a mad lover who proposes to several women.
Nivetha Pethuraj is playing the female lead and the movie Paagal also features Simran Chaudhary and Megha Lekha in crucial roles.
from NEWS – Tollywood