Sujeeth, who is best known for helming superstar Prabhas and Shraddha Kapoor starrer action thriller drama Saaho has signed a new project which will be bankrolled by Zee Studios. Sujeeth made his directorial debut in Telugu film industry with the movie Run Raja Run and later he came up with Saaho, which was released in 2019. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Saaho fame Sujeeth is keen to get Kannada star Kichcha Sudeep on the board for his Bollywood project.
The sources say that recently Sujeeth met Sudeep and narrated a storyline to him on the sets of Bigg Boss Kannada in Bengaluru. Though Sudeep is impressed with the storyline but he did not give the nod yet.
Recently during the media interaction, Sujeeth said that he was very excited to work with Zee Studios on this new project. Prabhas and Shraddha starrer Saaho was an out-and-out action movie. But this time he would be playing with the emotional angle too in addition to the power packed action sequences.
Other details about the project of Sujeeth and Zee Studio are currently under wraps. The upcoming untitled film is expected to go on floor in the second half of 2021.
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