Recently on the occasion of Mega Power Star Ram Charan’ birthday, the makers of RRR unveiled the actor’ first look whereas Charan was seen holding an arrow and bow. Now according to the latest report, RRR makers are planning to release the first look poster of Ajay Devgn on the occasion of his birthday that falls on 2nd April.
The team of RRR will next be releasing the first look poster of Ajay Devgn’ character from SS Rajamouli’ magnum opus, on the occasion of versatile actor’s 52nd birthday on April 2. The sources say that the team of RRR will continue the tradition of introducing the character of their cast to the movie lovers on the occasion of their birthday.
It is to be noted that the film makers has been tight lipped about Ajay Devgn’ character in the film. It is being said that Tanhaji fame Ajay will be playing a very important role, which is apparently the highlight of the Rajamouli directorial venture.
RRR, which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya, also has Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead role, is set in the 1900s and reveal the tale of India’s fight against the British for Independence. RRR will be arrived at the theaters on 13th October.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood