Akkineni Naga Chaitanya is currently working with Vikram K Kumar for Thank You. Last year, in the month of November, a photo was leaked from this movie, in which Chaitanya was seen holding a hockey stick. Naga Chaitanya has previously appeared as a cricketer in the film ‘Majili’ and this time he will be seen in the role of a hockey player in Thank You. Now a small video from the sets of Thank You got leaked. Naga Chaitanya is seen unveiling a big cut-out of Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu.
We have already reported that Majili actor Naga Chaitanya is essaying the role of Mahesh Babu’ fan and his character name in this film is Abhiram. Naga Chaitanya as Abhiram, will be seen as the president of Mahesh Babu fans association. In the leaked video, Naga Chaitanya is seen climbing the ladder to unveil the cut out of Mahesh Babu.
The film is produced by noted film producer Dil Raju, Harshith Reddy and Shirish under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations and it has the music by Thaman whereas the cinematography will be done by PC Sreeram. BVS Ravi is penning the story and dialogues for this film Thank You.
Apart from Thank You, Naga Chaitanya is also working with Sekhar Kammula for the movie Love Story.
Get Ready Super fans to see Never before Ever After type Reference in #ThankYouTheMovie pic.twitter.com/eHMX8RB89Q
— Jack Mowa Ka Baab (@FanForSSMB) March 8, 2021
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