The shooting of director Om Raut‘s Adipurush in which Young Rebel Star Prabhas is currently underway in Mumbai. According to the latest update, Prabhas is currently shooting for upcoming much hyped movie Adipurush in a private studio in Mumbai. Saif Ali Khan who is playing Lankesh in Adipurush, will join the sets in mid March. When Prabhas will return the sets of his another action drama Salaar, Saif Ali Khan will be filming for his solo scenes for Adipurush in the schedule.
In November 2020, the Baahubali actor Prabhas unveiled the film’s release date to be 11th August, 2022, and started shooting for the film last month. The sources close to the makers revealed that While Prabhas is already shooting, Saif will join the sets from mid this month.
However, he will initially begin with his solo portions and will eventually start shooting with Prabhas. Saif Ali Khan will shoot in a green screen setup, while the film’s leading lady is also expected to join them in the month of April.
Meanwhile, both Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan have an interesting lineup of films ahead. Saif Ali Khan will be seen in Pavan Kripalani’s Bhoot Police and Varun Sharma’s Bunty Aur Babli 2 whereas Prabhas will next be seen in Radhe Shyam and Prashanth Neel’ directorial venture Salaar.
from NEWS – Tollywood