The young actor Nithiin is currently working with Merlapaka Gandhi for an upcoming film, which is a remake of Hindi National Award winning film Andhadhun. Today on the occasion of Nithiin’ birthday, the makers revealed the title Maestro and also the first look poster of the actor. The sources close to the makers revealed that Nithiin starrer film is titled Maestro not just because Nithiin is a pianist, he plays a smart guy in this remake.
Coming on the first look poster of Maestro, Nithiin is seen wearing a part wear outfit and as a blind guy, he is walking on the piano with the help of a stick. Nithiin’s home banner Sresht Movies bankrolling this upcoming Telugu project.
Nithiin starrer has milky siren Tamannah Bhatia and Nabha Natesh in the female lead roles. Maestro has the music by Mahati Swara Sagar and it has the cinematography by J Yuvraj.
The Hindi movie Andhadhun, touted as black comedy crime thriller, was helmed by Sriram Raghavan. The engaging thriller, starring Ayushmann Khurrana, Tabu, and Radhika Apte, was backed by Viacom18 Motion Pictures and Matchbox Pictures. The story of Andhadhun revolves around Ayushmann Khurrana’ character, who plays a blind pianist, and unwittingly gets involved in the murder of an actor (essayed by Anil Dhawan).
Here’s the title of ‘Youth Star’ @actor_nithiin’s #Nithiin30 #Maestro #Nithiin30FirstLook #HappyBirthdayNithiin@tamannaahspeaks @NabhaNatesh @MerlapakaG #SudhakarReddy #NikithaReddy #RajKumarAkella @mahathi_sagar @Jisshusengupta @SreshthMovies
— Sreshth Movies (@SreshthMovies) March 29, 2021
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