Megastar Chiranjeevi is working with his son Ram Charan and Kajal Aggarwal in an upcoming much hyped movie Acharya under the direction of Koratala Siva. As the release date of Chiranjeevi starrer upcoming movie Acharya draws near, the team is slowly revealing its hidden gems. In this social message oriented movie Acharya, Ram Charan is playing the role of Siddha. Yesterday Ram Charan took to his Twitter and shared a pic of him from Acharya set with his dad Chiranjeevi and said, “A Comrade moment!”
Megastar Chiranjeevi commented on his son Ram Charan post and said, “That beautiful moment when my boy became my Comrade, on screen!”
Talking about Ram Chran’ role, the director Koratala Siva previously said, “Acharya will be a treat for Mega fans as Mega Power Star Ram Charan plays a pivotal role, not just a cameo.”
In Acharya, both Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan are playing Naxals, whereas Chiranjeevi’ character transforms into a professor later. The movie Acharya is jointly bankrolled by Ram Charan and Niranjan Reddy whereas Mani Sharma is rendering the tunes.
Acharya will hit the theaters on 14th May 14 this year. Apart from Acharya, Ram Charan will also be seen in SS Rajamouli’ RRR with Jr NTR, Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt.
A Comrade moment!
Enjoying every moment with Dad @KChiruTweets & @sivakoratala Garu on #Acharya sets.@MatineeEnt @KonidelaPro— Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) March 1, 2021
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