Abhijeet Duddala lifted the winner trophy of Bigg Boss 4 Telugu, which was hosted by King Nagarjuna. Now all eyes are on the upcoming season of Bigg Boss Telugu. Bigg Boss 4 Telugu was quite a success even after the whole pandemic situation. The makers of the show gave their all in entertaining the TV lovers.
Bigg Boss Telugu hosted by Nagarjuna Akkineni was one of the most popular reality shows. Now many are waiting for the 5th season of Bigg Boss Telugu. According to the latest report, the fifth season will start from June. Now the reports are coming that glamour dose will be doubled this time in the fifth season of Bigg Boss Telugu.
Last year, not many were happy with the selection of the contestants as only the local YouTubers and social media people were called as the participants but this time Star Maa has decided to rope film celebrities as the contestants in the Bigg Boss show.
The 5th season is likely to be launched in June 2021. The makers have started to approach and finalize contestants that will be seen in season 5 of Bigg Boss Telugu. King Nagarjuna has officially signed to be back as reality show Bigg Boss Telugu 5’ host.
from GOSSIPS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2OcLgBd