Stylish Star Allu Arjun was the chief guest at pre-release event of Kartikeya and Lavanya Tripath starrer upcoming romantic entertainer Chaavu Kaburu Challaga. Speaking at the event, Allu Arjun revealed spoke about his upcoming much hyped big budget project. Allu Arjun said just one word about Pushpa “Thaggedi le.”
Arya actor Allu Arjun said, “I can say only one word about Pushpa which is being directed by Sukumar. Thaggede Le.” Now the fans of bunny are tending #ThaggedeLe on Twitter. His fans are also haling Allu Arjun as Iconic Mass Star and said Pushpa would replace Stylish Star with ‘Iconic’ Mass Star. One of the fan said, “After #Pushpa You Can Forget Stylish Star Allu Arjun, May Be He Will Become Iconic Mass.” Another netizen said, “AA Slang lo mAAss dialogues unte… Inka theatres dhadarillipothayi… No doubt Resound vachhelaa plan chesaru anamata #ThaggedeLe , #AlluArjun #Pushpa.” Another fan Dilip said, “We can strt #Thaggedele trend”
On the occasion of Pre release event, Allu Arjun heaped praises on producer Bunny Vasu, and said, “What I am today is because of my father and Bunny Vasu. In fact, Bunny Vasu’s contribution is more. Bunny Vasu and I have been traveling for past 18 years, since my debut film Gangotri.”
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