Tollywood actor Naga Shaurya is currently busy in his upcoming film Lakshya which is directed by Santhossh Jagarlapudi. The young actor beefed up his muscle for this film which is tipped to be a sports drama. Yesterday on the occasion of New year, Naga Shaurya took to his Twitter to release a new poster. On the backdrop of archer boards, Naga Shaurya carries an intense look.
In Lakshya, Naga Shaurya is playing the role of an archer, which is helmed by Santhossh Jagarlapudi and Jointly bankrolled by Sharath Marar and Narayan Das Narang. The film Lakshya has Ketika Sharma as a leading lady.
The sport based action drama Lakshya is all about the story of an archer, who is heavily talented and reaches the top of the sport against several obstacles. It is expected to hit theatres in the first quarter of this year. Naga Shaurya is filming for multiple movies at a time, including the film Varudu Kavalenu and two more movies, one film by Srinivas Avasarala and another by Anish Krishna.
The young hero Naga Shaurya was last seen in Ramana Teja’s directorial venture Aswathama where he essayed the role of Gana. The film had Mehreen Kaur Pirzada, Harish Uthaman, Jisshu Sengupta and Posani Krishna Murali in the crucial roles.
I am super excited for 2021.
It’s time to entertain you all in different shades.
Much Love:)#Lakshya #Hello2021— Naga Shaurya (@IamNagashaurya) January 1, 2021
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