Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic. The main story revolves around – the Pandavas and Kauravas – who were invloved in the Kurukshetra War, battle for the throne of Hastinapura. Dr Jason, is presenting the “The Tales of The Epic Mahabharat”, which is presented by Vibhu Media. Bhishma, whose original name was ‘Devavrata’, was the eighth son of the Shantanu, the king of Hastinapura, and the river goddess Ganga.
One day when King Shantanu was near the river of Ganga, a beautiful lay emerged. Shantanu asked her to marry him. She agreed but with one condition that he would neve ask any questions about her actions. After delivering the child, she drowned in river.
Like this one by one, 7 sons were born to them and they were drowned by Ganga. When she was about to drown the 8th son, Shantanu, who was not able to control him, confronted her. Finally, she explained to Shantanu about Brahma’s curse given to Mahabhisha and her.
Ganga promised to return their son when he becomes a capable ruler, and vanished. Later, she trained Devavrata and returned him to King Shantanu. Devavrata was one of the greatest archers and warriors of his time.
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