After delivering action-thriller ‘Aswathama’, Naga Shaurya is currently working for his upcoming film which is popularly referred NS20. Helmed by ‘Subrahmanyapuram’ fame Santhossh Jagarlapudi, the sports based drama also has versatile actor Jagapathi Babu in a crucial role. Naga Shaurya is essaying the role of an archer in this film #NS20 and he underwent a major physical transformation and sweated it out in his gym during the lockdown period.
After rigorous workout sessions and strict diet regime on a daily basis, Aswathama actor Naga Shaurya acquired a chiseled body. Yesterday Naga Shaurya took his Instagram to share a pic of him. In this pic, he is showing his abs and workout in a picture by saying ‘Push Harder Than Yesterday If You Want a Different Tomorrow’.
Naga Shaurya starrer #NS20 is all about the story of an archer who overcomes several obstacles and fights against all odds to finally enjoy his triumph with the glory. The makers have already unveiled the first look poster a few months ago, in which Naga Shaurya was seen sporting a bow and arrow.
Ketika Sharma is playing the female lead in NS20, which is jointly produced by Narayana Dass Narang, Sharrath Marar and P Rammohan Rao under the banners of Sri Venkateswara Cinemas LLP and Northstar Entertainments.
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