Few days ago, on the occasion of Diwali, the team of RRR released few photographs that featured Ram Charan and Jr NTR with the director SS Rajamouli, which went viral on the social media. In one of the pic, RRR was seen written in gold against a dark background with golden lights surrounding the letters. Jr NTR, Rajamouli and Ram Charan were seen sitting on stairs. Now once again RRR team released a small video clip on the official Twitter handle and said, “No one can escape the cold winds with out these on set heaters Throwback to last week’s midnight shoots!”
Young Tiger Jr NTR and Team RRR have had ‘fire and ice’ moments when they shot in extreme cold nights last week. So as a part of promotional activities, the team of RRR released the behind the scenes video in which SS Rajamouli, Jr NTR and other team members are seen warning themselves up near the sets heaters.
Apart from Ram Charan and Jr NTR, RRR also has B town girl Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran and others in the supporting roles. RRR which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya, will hit the theaters next year.
No one can escape the cold winds with out these on set heaters
Throwback to last week’s midnight shoots! #RRRDiaries #RRRMovie pic.twitter.com/bFmYqC9low
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) November 16, 2020
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