The bold and beautiful actress Payal Rajput made her debut in Tollywood with RX 100, helmed by Ajay Bhupathi, which was a super hit at the box office. In this film, Payal Rajput shared the screen space with Kartikeya. She has also worked with Venkatesh Daggubati in multistarrer Venky Mama, which was also a super hit at the box office. She was a sensation after RX 100 for bold appearances and now her brand endorsement shocked everyone. Venky Mama girl Payal Rajput is promoting a well known brand of whiskey.
Payal Rajput took to her Instagram post and shared a pic of her with whiskey, and said, “The all new Smoother and Richer Royal Challenge Whisky now in Telangana. It is an ideal amalgamation of Scotch and Indian Malts. The whisky’s rich and the smooth taste is the perfect blend for celebrating any moment.”
Though many actors in the film industry drink alcohol, but they are not in favor of showing it publicly or accepting it. But Payal Rajput is one who is busy in promoting Whiskey.
On the work front, Payal Rajput will be seen playing the female lead in a Telugu movie Anaganaga O Athidi, which is said to be a thriller in village backdrop and the film has Chaitanya Krishna in the lead role.
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