SS Rajamouli’ directorial venture Baahubali is being dubbed in Kannada and is all set to be released on TV during the Diwali festival. Baahubali is one of the south India’ biggest blockbuster movie. Baahubali starring Young Rebel Star Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Tamannah Bhatia, Anushka Shetty and Ramya Krishna was made in two parts, and were originally made in Telugu and Tamil. Colors Kannada has procured the dubbing rights for Baahubali.
According to the latest update, the dubbed Kannada versions of Baahubali are likely to be released on the TV channel Color Kannada, at 4.30 pm on 15th November. The official confirmation regarding the release date of Baahubali is awaited.
Initially Prabhas and Rana Daggubati starrer Baahubali was dubbed in Malayalam and Hindi. However, Baahubali was not dubbed in Kannada language due to scuffle between dubbing industry and the Sandalwood film makers.
Now the people of Karnataka will have the privilege of watching this movie Baahubali in their language. If things go as per plan, Kannada version of SS Rajamouli’ magnum opus Baahubali will be a Diwali gift for Sandalwood fans.
It is known news that Baahubali: The Beginning had received international recognition in various film festivals. Meanwhile Rajamouli is working for his upcoming much hyped movie RRR, which will hit the theatres next year 2021.
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