Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja who is popular for his performance skills and comic style, has collaborated with Ramesh Varma for a film Khiladi, in which he will be seen playing the dual role. We have already reported that, two young beauties- . Meenakshi Chowdary and Dimple Hayati have been roped in Ravi Teja starrer Khiladi to play the female lead roles. Earlier there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Pelli Choopulu fame Ritu Varma will play the female lead but later the makers roped in Meenakshi Chowdary and Dimple Hayathi. Now it is being heard that anchor turned actress Anasuya Bharadwaj has also been roped in Ravi Teja and Ramesh Varma’ Khiladi and she will play the crucial role.
The makers of Khiladi are now finalizing the remaining cast and crew. Finally Ravi Teja film Khiladi, has just got yet another glamorous addition to its cast and she is Anasuya Bharadwaj.
Apparently, Anasuya’ character in this upcoming film has a lot of importance and scope for performance.
On the otherside, Anasuya Bharadwaj will also be seen playing the supporting role in upcoming film Acharya which has Megastar Chiranjeevi and Kajal Aggarwal in the lead roles. She is also the part of Krishna Vamsi’ Rangamaarthaanda.
from NEWS – Tollywood