Nandini Rai, who shot to fame with the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 4 Telugu, has few Telugu movies in her hand. She has been making the most out of the attention she had garnered by posting b*ld photos on social media. Now according to the latest update, Nandini Rai will soon be turning item song dancer. Reportedly, Bigg Boss girl Nandini Rai will be shaking a leg in the upcoming film Kothi Kommachi, which has young actors Meghamsh Srihari and Sameer Vegesna in the lead roles.
The special song that features Nandini Rai is said to bring that extra flavor to the movie and the makers say that the actress will be seen oozing oomph in this song. Nandini Rai will be shooting for this song soon.
The upcoming film Kothi Kommachi is helmed by Srinivasa Kalyanam and Sathamanam Bhavathi fame Satish Vegesna. Meghamsh Srihari and Sameer Vegesna starrer film was launched recently and currently the shooting is going on in Srikakulam.
Earlier during an interview, the Mosagallaku Mosagadu actress Nandini Rai had said, “I had a promising start to my career, with three big films initially in the year 2012, but some of the projects were shelved and a few did not work out. So I got suicidal thoughts and I wanted to jump from my terrace or cut my wrists. I spent sleepless nights thinking about my life and other personal issues.”
from NEWS – Tollywood