Kannada actress Ragini Dwivedi has been arrested by the Bengaluru Central Crime Branch in connection with the Sandalwood drug racket case on Friday. Yesterday the CCB officers raided the actress house in Yelahanka in Bengaluru for four hours and detained her. Ragini was brought to Central Crime Branch headquarters for questioning. After several hours of questioning, she was placed under arrest. Ragini Dwivedi has been booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.
On 21st August, the Narcotics Control Bureau arrested drug peddlers which exposed many celebs who are allegedly involved in drug dealing and substance abuse.
The police has also arrested Viren Khanna, who is one of the main accused in this drug racket. Viren Khanna, who hails from Delhi, is the one who organizes big parties where drugs are consumed. Two CCB officers went to Delhi and arrested him. According to the police, a realtor named Rahul Shetty was also taken into custody on Friday.
On Thursday, the cop had arrested a clerk in the Road Transport Office named K Ravishankar. The police revealed that Ravishankar and Rahul Shetty used to buy drugs from foreign nationals at parties and sell them.
Ragini Dwivedi is best known for performances in Kempe Gowda, Ragini IPS, and Bangari Shiva.
from NEWS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3598BtC