Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar was the only star from Hindi film Industry to feature in Forbes’ list of highest-paid actors of 2020. With earnings of $48.5 million (Rs 362 crore), Akshay Kumar occupied the sixth place in the list. Forbes said, Most of Akshay Kumar’ income came from product endorsements.” Akshay Kumar held the fourth spot in the 2019 list.
Wrestler-turned-movie star Dwayne Johnson occupied the top slot on the list of the world’s highest-paid male actors for a second straight year, according to an annual tally released by Forbes magazine which was released on Tuesday.
Dwayne Johnson earned $87.5 million from 1st June 2019 to 1st June 2020. Ryan Reynolds, who co-stars with Dwayne Johnson in Red Notice, came in 2nd in the Forbes ranking of male stars. He earned $20 million for that film, plus another $20 million for Netflix movie Six Underground, the magazine said, part of his $71.5 million total for the one year period.
Actor and producer Mark Wahlberg, who is the star of Netflix action comedy Spenser Confidential, is on the third place with $58 million. Next on the list are actors Ben Affleck with $55 million and Vin Diesel with $54 million.
On the work front, Akshay Kumar will be seen in Hindi movies “Bachchan Pandey”, “BellBottom”, “Laxmmi Bomb“, “Sooryavanshi”, “Prithviraj”, “Atrangi Re” and “Raksha Bandhan”.
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