SS Rajamouli’ directorial venture ‘Baahubali: The Beginning’ was released in 2015 and turned out to be one of the biggest blockbusters. Later SS Rajamouli came up with ‘Baahubali: The Conclusion’ and the movie registered a phenomenal success at the global box-office by shattering over Rs 1800 Cr in all versions. Starring Young Rebel Star Prabhas, Rana Dagubati, Tamannah Bhatia and Anushka Shetty in lead roles. The Russian Embassy in India took to their social handle on 28th May, shared a clip from Baahubali 2: The conclusion and posted that the film is being aired on a TV channel in Russia. The dubbed version of Baahubali was telecasted in a Russian voiceover. Now Prabhas has become the second actor after Bollywood actor Raj Kapoor, to win the hearts of Russian audiences.
from NEWS – Tollywood