Popular Tamil film and Television actress and Bigg Boss Tamil 3 contestant Vanitha Vijayakumar of Kodi Ramakrishna’ Devi fame is all set to enter into wedlock. This will be Vanitha Vijayakumar’ third marriage. Vanitha was one of the most controversial participants of the third season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 3, is reportedly planning to get married this month. She is going to tie the knot with a VFX supervisor named Peter Paul on 27th June in Chennai. Peter Paul has worked on the VFX for several Bollywood and Hollywood movies.
Vanitha Vijayakumar said that it was Peter Paul who encouraged her to start her You Tube channel and also helped during the lockdown period.
The news of Vanitha Vijayakumar’ marriage is now trending in Tamil film industry. She made her acting debut with Vijay starrer movie Chandralekha, which was released in the year 1995. Helmed by Nambirajan, the movie opened to mixed reviews and was turned out disaster at the Box office. She made her debut in Mollywood with Hitler Brothers and Tollywood debut with devotional fantasy movie Devi.
Vanitha Vijayakumar’ quit her acting career after her first marriage to Akash. After parting ways with Akash, she remarried to Anand Jay Rajan. However, she divorced her second husband and now getting ready to tie the knot again.
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